Our Services
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Tree Pruning
Pruning is a vital part of tree maintenance and is generally undertaken to improve the safety, structure and health of the tree and to help minimise the associated risks such as branch failure.
Before any pruning, an assessment of the tree is undertaken by one of our qualified arborists to determine the trees overall health and the potential risks involved in the pruning process. Key pruning methods include:
Crown Thinning
To reduce canopy density and encourage new growth whilst maintaining the structural integrity of the branches.
Crown Lifting
To remove the lower branches of the tree to a specified height.
To remove dead branches back to a specified location and diameter.
Remedial Pruning
To try and restore the tree or increase its life expectancy after damage has been caused as a result of natural disaster, car accidents or disease.
Reduction Pruning
To remove the ends of branches to maintain a specified clearance from utility services and structures.
All tree maintenance and pruning work undertaken by Lop Chop Chip complies with the ‘Australian Standard (AS) 4373-2007 Pruning of Amenity Trees’.
As per Redland City Council’s rules for maintaining trees on private property, generally all work performed in line with ‘Australian Standard (AS) 4373-2007 Pruning of Amenity Trees’ can be undertaken without council approval unless it has the potential to result in damage to protected trees.

Tree Removal
Lop Chop Chip has extensive experience in the trimming, shaping, and if required, the safe removal of complex small and large trees in highly populated, dense and confined spaces. We have the team, the knowledge and the equipment to perform the work efficiently while minimising risk to your property and maintaining the safety of our team and members of the public.
There are many reasons why people want a tree removed from their property. Some of these may include:
- Affected by pest and disease
- Dead
- Poisonous
- Poor structural integrity
- Pose a hazard to people or property
- Crowding other trees
- Causing damage to property
- New development plans
At Lop Chop Chip we can provide you with advice on whether the tree needs to be retained, pruned or as a last resort, removed. If required, we can also liaise with the council on your behalf to determine if any Vegetation Protection Orders (VPO) or Tree Protection Orders (TPO) are in place for the tree/s.
Our company policy and approach is to retain as many trees as possible, however as per Redland City Council’s rules for removing trees on private property, generally trees can be removed without council approval if the trees are located within:
- 10m of a dwelling
- 3m of an approved structure, including sheds and pools
- 3m of a property boundary, as reasonably necessary, to construct or maintain a boundary fence or to create a fire break.
However, approval will be required if a VPO or TPO applies to the tree/s. We advise you to speak to your local council or a professional arborist before undertaking any tree removal work.