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Workplace Health and Safety
As per the ‘Work Health & Safety Act 2011’, Lop Chop Chip aims to achieve and maintain the highest level of operating standards in relation to the workplace health and safety of its employees, contractors, suppliers and members of the public.
Our goal is to ensure that health and safety risks are minimised by implementing and maintaining a comprehensive Workplace Health and Safety Management Plan. A brief summary of this plan includes:
- Workplace Health and Safety Policy
- Employee Responsibilities & Accountabilities
- Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) for core operating procedures
- Site Inspection Risk Management Report
- Incident Reporting Procedures
- Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment Guidelines
- Maintain register for compulsory employee certification in First Aid and CPR
- Ongoing health and safety training program for all employees
- Safety Induction for new employees
- Maintenance plan for motor vehicles and equipment

Workplace Health and Safety
Lop Chop Chip aims to comply with the provisions of the ‘Work Health and Safety Act 2011’, relevant Codes of Practice and Federal, State and Local Government Standards where applicable.
Tree Care
All tree maintenance and pruning work shall comply with ‘Australian Standard (AS) 4373-2007 Pruning of Amenity Trees’.
Protection of Trees
We maintain best practices for the planning and protection of trees on
development sites in accordance with ‘Australian Standard (AS) 4970-2009 Protection of Trees on Development Sites‘.
Chainsaw Usage
All chainsaw operations are in accordance with the requirements of the ‘Australian Standard (AS) 2727 Chainsaws – Guide to Safe Working Practices‘.
Traffic Management
When traffic management solutions are required, Lop Chop Chip follows the standards set out within the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads ‘Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices – Part 3 – Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads’.
Lop Chop Chip maintains the correct level of insurance coverage in order to operate safely within the tree services industry. A summary of insurances includes:
Public and Products Liability Insurance
Public Liability Insurance – $20,0000,000 for any one occurrence.
Products Liability Insurance – $20,000,000 for any one occurrence.
Plant and Motor Vehicle Insurance
All Lop Chop Chip’s motor vehicles and plant equipment are covered by Comprehensive Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance. Includes Third Party Liability Insurance – Limit of $30,000,000 for any one occurrence.
Workers’ Compensation Insurance
This Accident Insurance Policy covers the full amount of Lop Chop Chip’s liability under the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003.
Environmental Commitment
Lop Chop Chip has a strong commitment to the environment and we recognise our moral responsibility to reduce the environmental impact caused by our tree and vegetation management solutions.
We aim to eliminate or reduce the negative effects to the environment by maintaining ongoing staff training, promoting environmental awareness amongst our employees and by following the relevant industry standards and utilising the best practice techniques wherever possible.
Our aim is to:
- Eliminate or reduce the damage to flora and fauna.
- Where possible, move towards more sustainable practices.
- Recycle 100% of the loose vegetation we generate.
- Increase employee awareness and training.
- Seek appropriate permits from the relevant authorities.
- Follow the relevant industry standards.
- Regularly review our environmental policies and practices.

Employee Qualifications
As with any great business our employees are a key contributor to our success. The Lop Chop Chip team possess a diverse range of qualifications and are continually looking to improve their skills by way of further education and training. A summary of these qualifications are as follows:
- AQF Level 2 in Horticulture
- AQF Level 3 in Arboriculture
- AQF Level 4 in Horticulture (Arboriculture)
- Certificate II in Indigenous Conservation and Land Management
- Certificate II in Surface Extraction Operations
- Certificate III in Civil Construction (Plant Operations)
- Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- Level II Traffic Management (MUTCD)
- Level 1 Chainsaw Ticket
- High Risk Work (HRW) Licence
- Authorised Energex Contractor Ticket
- Heavy Vehicle (HR) Licence
- Forklift Truck (LF) Licence
- Elevated Work Platform (EWP) Working at Heights Licence
- Light Vehicle Defensive Driving Program Certificate
- Current First Aid & CPR Certification
- Construction Induction White Card
Professional Association
Lop Chop Chip’s Managing Director and most senior member of the Team is a proud member of Arboriculture Australia, a not-for-profit professional organisation dedicated to raising the standard of tree care and maintenance in Australia.
Arboriculture Australia is well known in the industry as the peak national organisation promoting and representing tree workers, arborists, professional tree management and urban forestry throughout Australia and the Asia Pacific region.